This was brutal 😂 See Hudson bust 24 more myths:
See Most OUTRAGEOUS PRANKS In 24 HOURS! | Jordan Matter
Thanks Airrack and Stokes Twins for the inspiration!
Airrack Busting 100 Myths:
Stokes Twins Busting 200 Myths:
More myth and fears busting:
Royalty Family
Lexi Rivera
Ben Azelart
Jeremy Hutchins
Rebecca Zamolo
10 People vs Human Calculator!
Salish challenged me to a father vs daughter photo shoot with Sofie Dossi and Anna McNulty:
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Video by Sandy Chase
Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound
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Do you want to Facetime us? Watch the full video to find out how!
Yes! I will watch it when it premieres!
Jordan I’m a big fan I watch your every video and it always makes my day ❤️❤️ Love from Georgia 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪
Yessss I. So early love your Guys videos please reply big fan Jordan
My fav myth is girls need to be protected
Hi Jordan I love Say SAy so much bc we share the same age and interests my name is Ridja and i wish you all the best
I can’t wait for this video! 💕 I love all your videos Jordan and I’ve watched almost all of them! 💜 I wish I could meet you guys one day ⭐️
@1 Million With 0 Videos Challenge (Day 19) WHAT
I also want to comment but this phone won’t let me
I also want to see Jordan
i am very excited for this vid! can’t wait to watch it tomorrow since it’s 1 am but I’m very excited I love your videos so much , and I think Salish is such an amazing person and kind hearted <3.
Same she is so dang kind and awesome
Oh my goodness I cant hold back my excitement I cant wait to watch this vid!!!!!! Its gonna be so awesome!!!!!! And Salish you go girl I know you are gonna bust the most myths! GIRL POWER!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Jordan I love your videos soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and thanks for the awesome content thanks Jordan bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Mishan 🅥 why?
@Mishan 🅥 pls tell me what it says
Woow your really excited for this video also those people are bots btw the video is starting now !!
@@ducksquadyoujustgotkrissed9528 i know its starting now and i am not a bot
@Serena Arthur I am talking about the people who replied to you the people said don’t translate are bots I know your not a bot
I love how you use Salish and Hudson as your tester!😂 I have been watching your videos for so long. I remember Salish when she was just a little girl!💝😘
This video is so fun to watch!! Myth or Truth Salish has a crush?
Yo nidal you need to teach me how to backflip
4th! Hi Nidal! I’m a big fan
Hey Salish and Jordan! I love your videos, I especially love Say’s morning and night time routines! I would love to FaceTime with you both!! So my favorite myth was the favorite kid one it was so funny!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
I hope you get a FaceTime them cause you’re such a good girl
My favourite myth was the French fries one!! Just thought I’d mention that watching Jordan Salish and Hudson make me so happy no matter how bad my day is and I have been following u guys for 2 years
I liked that one too
@@Ajrs_Reading_Corner. dfhzn
My favorite is the shark one 😂😂😂😂 its so funny😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I’ve been subscribed for 4 years
I love it when Jordan busted a myth that sharks can smell blood
Did he actually cut his own finger or not
I love say
My favourite is the one about the chocolate 😂 Jordan, so funny
I like the one that Jordan tested the shark blood sensing thing
The one that boys are faster then girls and Say Say won GOOD JOB SAY SAT WE ALL LOVE YOUR VIDS
I loved myth 50 and I can see how much effort you put into your videos to make them amazing good job Jordan and salish
My favorite one was the part when Salish was screaming at the glass
You are so awesome Salish and Jordan
Jordan and Salish make their videos so fun to watch unlike other YouTubers ❤
What do dogs get on food faster than one second
Water up side down 12:23
I love watching your videos
Yeah, girl power girl power is better than boy power and boy power is dirt😂 let’s go Salish😂
I liked the chocolate one🤣😂 Love Yall💖
i love the myth when girl need to be protected 😂😂