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Facts That Will Make You Say ‘I Had No Idea!’

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  • “Tell me something I don’t know.”

    “Without mucus, your stomach would digest itself.”

    “Tell me something else I don’t know. Something less disturbing.”

    • @@neilmooney5053 , You mean the history books written by the English? Don’t make me laugh.
      The attempted genocide on the Irish is well documented. Read about it? Something ironic and more recent is that after centuries of mistreatment by the English, the Ireland is a leader in the tech industry. Unemployed people from England are now working in Ireland’s fields. That’s still happening so you don’t have to look it up in a history book. Just Google it.

    • @@neilmooney5053 seancallahan9026 was technically correct, before the Great Potato Blight. The Irish poor thrived on a potato diet, which grew very well in the climate and where even a single acre could feed a family, and they’d grow it right up to their doorsteps. After the introduction of the potato, the Irish poor’s population exploded, because they had a nutritionally dense diet to depend on, and produced very healthy, handsome children. Irish lads were noted to be big, strong, and handsome. Then…the Blight came, and nowhere was hit harder than Ireland, and the starvation and disease ran rampant because of the fuckwits who promoted the idea that the Irish were lazy, Catholic drunkards who didn’t want to do any work, so they deserved what they got. The people in power did distribute corn the first year…then they pulled back when the Blight happened in subsequent years. Landowners promised passage to America or Canada to seem generous to their poor tenants, and to avoid getting assassinated for tripling rents and driving out the families on their land. People all over the world stepped up to provide aid to those in desperate plight, but in the end, the Famine killed over a million of Ireland’s poorest people.

      And it wasn’t even the poorest who fled to America or Canada. It was those who still had the means to save a few coins, enough to buy passage on a ships that had a high death rate for cramming a lot of people together so diseases could run their course, in a dark hold with little or no light or fresh air.

  • As always highly fascinating, a few i knew, some not at all. The owl taking home snakes likely for pest control is just another example of nature working together, absolutely fascinating ❤ And two of my cats woke up swiftly all confused when the rats were doing their laughing squeals 😂😂😂 Double the entertainment value tonight ❤ Plus, so close to the 12 million mark, you’re nearly there 😮🤞❤️

  • The octopus does not have tentacles, they have arms. Arms have suckers along their length. Tentacles have suckers only on the pads at the end. An octopus has eight arms while a squid has eight arms and two tentacles. The cuttlefish also has both types of appendage.

    • And it’s octopi octopus is more than one and we humans have blue blood as well it’s only red because of when it comes into contact with oxygen

    • It’s also a good time to mention that octopuses do have 9 brains! Well..sort of. They have one brain on their head, and the remaining eight aren’t actually brains, they’re just a bunch of neurons in their tentacles, so they are more like mini-brains.

    • Actually they are feet not arms .. the name octopus comes from the Greek octo/οκτώ, meaning ‘eight’ (8) and pus/πους or πόδι, meaning ‘foot’.. thus ‘οκταπόδι – octopus’.. (eight-foot[ed]) ..

  • If they understand you while they’re passing away, isn’t it a comforting thought? They still hear you tell them you love them. Well, if they understand you, that is…

  • One of my best friends somehow got a tear in the lining of her stomach. It was leaking out stomach acid. We called 911, and she was rushed to emergency surgery! They told her that if she had gotten there just around 30 minutes later, she probably would’ve died. She said it’s the worst pain she’s ever felt and doesn’t recommend it, lol.

  • Do you also know that when you raise a toast when you click the glasses together they used to do that because they used to poison drinks and some of the poison on splash in the both of your drinks so you had incentive not to poison anyone

  • Frank oz does not get enough credit for his incredible performances as not only multiple Muppets but also the best star wars character

  • When my grandfather was actively dying a few years ago, he was completely out of it. He had family in and out all day the final few days of his life. Everyone of course told him that they loved him, but he was basically comatose and unable to respond. However, on the last day of his life, I was visiting him again (I was his caretaker towards the end, before we put him in hospice) and I told him I loved him, and he responded saying “I love you too”

    • I’m sorry about your grandfather. I was my dads caregiver for the last two years of his life. The last couple days of his life he was in the hospital and being given pain meds. He was out of it to the point he wasn’t talking or not even really there. My siblings and our significant others were all in the room with him while he was taking his last breaths. I was holding his hand telling him I loved him and it was ok to go we didn’t want him to be in pain anymore. He squeezed my hand, took a couple more breaths and he was gone. The doctor had told me that the hearing was the last to go. I believe with all my heart that he heard me and he knew we were all there and though we’d miss him it was ok to go and he took his final breath and was gone. I’m so happy for you that he was able to say those words back to you. It was because he heard you.

    • Nice story man, when my Dad passed, it was the same as your story, i was looking after my Dad, except i looked after him right up til he went to the hospital at the end, he had lung cancer. He hadnt said a word for like 4 days, and the last day, the day he passed, he woke up, and was talking to everyone, and even asked everyone to leave, except me, and he told me how much he appreciated having me with him thru all this. (Im starting to tear up just thinking about it, and it’s been 15 years), and now im looking after my Mom, I quit 2 jobs to look after my Dad, and quit another good job to look after my Mom, and i have NO regrets. In fact, the opposite, im so glad i got to share their last years so closely. I refuse to let my parents go to a Nursing home, I hear far too many horror stories, they were always there for me. Thanks for the great comment, brought back lots of great memories.

  • My auntie actually turned orange as a kid due to her love of carrots, she ate them a lot, and yes she turned orange!

  • 23:20: Ed Headrick (inventor of the Frisbee®) having his remains turned into a Frisbee­ is the *ultimate* “Ultimate Frisbee”

  • I guess it never dawned on me that there’s generations out there now that actually had no idea that the legendary Frank Oz was the mastermind behind Yoda as well as Miss Piggie.

  • Being a twin myself I often think of fun scenarios like the very same on in this video. Another interesting thought is if twins were born at 11:59pm and 12:00am they would have different birthdays, take it further and say it was new years Eve and new years day they would be born within different years🤯🤘

    • And what if that last scenario *plus* 15:01 they were also born on opposite sides of the Int’l Date Line heading east?

  • I have a odd thing… if an oxidized coin touches the palm of my hand, I can taste the metal in my mouth. So, if I see a “rotten” coin, I will not pick it up. It’s disgusting.

  • Long before _Empire Strikes Back_ was released, its poster listing cast added “Frank Oz as Yoda.” _Muppet Show_ fans at the time all knew of Frank Oz.
    When Yoda first spoke, his voice was likened far more to Fozzie Bear than to Miss Piggy…

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